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River of Life has varous ministires for every member of families as well as for our community. We believe it is our purpose to take the church outside our four walls!



River of Life prayer line is open Monday - Saturday, 6-6:30am, daily, 8-8:30pm (except Wednesdays), and Fridays, 8-9pm. Prayer groups also communicate with a prayer chain for needs that arise. We firmly believe that when two or three touch and agree in the name of Jesus, it shall be!

Call 605-313-6389 and enter access code 512556 followed by the # sign.



We have a vibrant group of ladies who meet monthly for bible studies as well as fellowship. Come join the fun!



Our men gather for fellowship on a monthly basis. Whether for breakfast or for an activity, they join in fellowship and support one another.



River of Life youth group is a group of young people who are focused on their purpose. Many of them have participated in forgeign mission trips, taking the Gospel to every creature. Come see young people standing up for Christ!



Our children are our greatest blessings from God. We have classes for all ages of children on Wednesday evenings @7pm. 

Community service


River of Life Outreach ministry reaches out to our community in various ways. We hold services at a local homeless shelter twice monthly, feed people in need, and participate in community events to pray for people. 

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